Welcome To
Khidmat-e-alam welfare trust
In the light of Islamic Guidelines and within the boundaries of Pakistani Laws, we have formed this trust after taking advice and consultation from social education scholars, journalists and think tanks. Purpose of forming this trust is to serve various needy families without any discrimination. Although the Trust has many other services but the two focus areas are “FREE MEDICAL AND FREE FOOD”. Institutional Scheme in the light of decisions of the Board..
Years Of Fund Raising
Happy Volunteers
Total Monthly Aid
Total Medical Support
Years Of Fund Raising
Happy Volunteers
Total Monthly Aid
Total Medical Support

Our Projects
Help Save Precious Lives
Our Vision & MIssion
free medical camps in downtrodden areas, provides ration on regular monthly basis to the low incom families for the last 12 years. Khidmat-e-Alam Welfare trust established in 2005 by a philanthropist Mr.Himayat Ullah with the comentment to support the unprivileged class to bring prosperity and sustainability to their lives.
A Society free form social injustice class society ,equality of power sharing , equality care , better education and grantee the fundamental rights medical facilities for every one. education for every child.that no one left behind

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Chairman's Message

chairman Trust
Himayat Ullah
“After creating the universe, ALLAH (SWT) Almighty imposed some principle and universal laws to enable events to take place based on a system and order. Human life is also based on some principles and if any human being ignores these principles the consequences would be harmful. One of the principles of humanity is to help needy people in society…